It Came from Somewhere is now in post production. Don’t miss out, become part of this adventure that pays homage to 1950s Sci-Fi B creature feature films. From Writer/Director Steve Hermann, Writer Bryan Parkerson, Director Ashley Hefner, Producer Ann Myrna.
Created in the style of Ed Wood and Roger Corman, It Came from Somewhere is a new, original feature length horror film that looks like it was created in the 1950s. Delivered in black & white, 4x3 aspect ratio, made to look dated. Of course there is a creature, a space ship, aliens and many terrified characters, perhaps you can be one of them! Our first campaign ended with 63 backers and 76% of our goal - THANKS SO MUCH! Now we have a finishing funds campaign with new perks!
You’ve probably seen these types of films: Plan 9 from Outer Space, The Creature from the Black Lagoon, Not of this Earth. Or perhaps you enjoy Mystery Science Theater 3000 (MST3K) calling out these movies for their cheesy monsters, convoluted dialogue, technical errors and plot inconsistencies. If these mentions make you grin, you’re going to love It Came from Somewhere. Read reviews on IMDB.

Paige Bourne as Betty

Bill Russell as Grimwell

Beth Metcalf as Quasar

Jake Yanko as Luma

Randall Cole as The Creature

Ashley Hefner as Marie

Taydem Shoesmith as Rita

Magdalena Conway as Patty

Miranda Kilpatrick as Beverly

Delilah Hefner as Mary